Monday, September 28, 2009

Harvest Dinner

My favorite time of year, in large part due to the food.

I went to Clark Park's Farmer's Market and they had amazing produce!
Squash Two Ways
I cut a lid out of the top and scooped out the seeds. Then I pierced the inside flesh with a fork to allow seasonings absorb.
Squash A:
2Tbs sweet cream butter
6 leaves of fresh sage (from the farmer's market)
Sprinkling of sea salt.
Squash B:
2Tbs sweet cream butter
1/4C apple cider (from the farmer's market)
2 Tbs maple syrup
1/4 Tea ground clove

I cooked these at 375 for about 1 hr. Swirling the squash occasionally to spread the mixture inside around the walls. My plant was to cook these and then scrape the flesh fro the skin and use skin as a serving bowl. This did not work. The skin is not thick enough to be cooked and continue to hold together. In future, I would scrape the uncooked flesh from the skin and bake it, then add it back to the uncooked skins.
They look a lot like Pumpkins, and the flesh color and texture are similar to that of a pumpkin, but the flavor is closer to an acorn squash.

Heirloom carrots.
Heirloom carrots from farmer's market. Orange, purple, yellow, and white. Oh my. This site has some info on how to cultivate them and nutritional attributes.
I tossed these with olive oil, cayenne pepper, and smoked paprika.

Roasted at 375 for 20 minutes, till cooked but still crisp. These are more earthy and hearty tasting than the orange carrots you buy in the store. The smoked paprika added a great smoky flavor that was just supper yummie.

End product. Delicious.

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